Walking Coaching

Walking coaching can help you think more clearly and boost your mood

Why walking coaching could work for you

If you’re struggling to get time outdoors, perhaps you’re finding it difficult to fit everything into a busy life, or you’re just lacking the motivation to get out, then this is a great way to get some exercise outdoors and have some valuable coaching time. I also believe that walking coaching can lead to better results.

Being outdoors in nature is calming and invigorating and awakens the connection-seeking aspects of human nature.”

Sue Stuart-Smith, The Well Gardened Mind

The repetitive process of walking keeps the ‘monkey’ side of our brain busy enough to stop it butting in with the unhelpful comments that can so often derail us, and allows us to think more clearly and rationally about the possibilities and options that we have.

Scientific research has also shown how ‘green exercise’ can improve both your mood and your self-esteem. Being outdoors, especially in green spaces, calms us down and moves our brains out of fight or flight mode, enabling us to think more clearly and gain a better perspective. All of which will help you get great results from your coaching.

How does it work?

It’s very simple. I phone you on your mobile once you have started your walk and we talk, as we would during a normal coaching session. You don’t need to do anything apart from walk, talk and think, but you might like to have a notebook with you to jot down any light-bulb moments.

You can choose to have walking coaching for some or all of your coaching sessions as part of a personal or executive coaching programme.

 “When we take some light exercise, such as walking, endorphins are released in the bloodstream. These are neurotransmitters that diminish the sensation of pain and induce mild euphoria: a gentle, natural high. Combine these with the effects of light from the sun, compounds from plants and benevolent bacteria from the soil, and it seems that walking in a garden, field or wood is like reaching into an invisible natural medicine cabinet.”

Emma Mitchell, The Wild Remedy

Your safety

You will be outside walking on you own, so your personal safety is important. We will talk about how to minimise risks when we arrange your session but here are some things to think about.

Find a safe route where you feel comfortable walking, bearing in mind you’ll have earphones on and won’t be listening out for other people. Also think about mobile phone reception, and pick a place covered by your phone network.

Make sure your route is un-challenging. While you walk you will become engrossed in your thoughts and our conversation, so you won’t be as alert to where you are walking as normal – uneven or steep terrain will increase your risk of trips and falls, which we want to avoid!

You don’t want you to get lost or distracted by looking at a map, so pick a route you already know, or a park that you can easily navigate. I will only arrange walking coaching sessions in the day-light hours! I will ask you to provide me with the details of your route beforehand and a contact name and number just in case you have an accident and need some help.

Wear appropriate clothing for walking coaching sessions

One final thing – it’s obvious, but do wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather conditions and the terrain. If on the day of your session the weather is too wet, windy or icy for you to get out, then we will switch the session to a zoom that you can do from home.

Contact me for a free 30 minute call if you’d like to talk more about arranging a walking coaching session.